Spellbound with Kontravoid

This months Spellbound was very special for me. Last August was the first time I ever attended, and it was the first time I met my fiancee. Super cute, I know. Every Spellbound is spectacular, but this one had some extra cool stuff. Ayy.



Spellbound with Kontravoid

Kontravoid hails from Toronto, Canada and brings a fresh sound to harder electronic synth music. I was happy to see the crowd size for this one. Everyone was moving to the music. The energy he brought to the stage was a cool sight to see. DJ Strykk9 expressed how therapeutic it was to dance to his set. I agree wholeheartedly.

It was all resident DJ’s this time. Strykk9, Shari Vari, and Nightwitch were great as always. I was especially into Strykk9’s set this time. He played some non EBM surprises. Those choices really sat well within his mix. I will definitely say the Strykk9 has opened me up to a lot more industrial and EBM that I was unaware of.


Metal Reign was vending and the products were beautiful. I was a little cash poor on Saturday, but I definitely plan on making some purchases from the etsy shop. The necklaces were out of control.

Spellbound is quickly closing in on it’s three year anniversary. I am looking forward to seeing the growth of this party.

Up Next: The Shakedown: Residents